Saturday, April 23, 2011

More chicks!

I promised that I'd get pictures of my chicks up this weekend.  So, here they are.  Altogether there are 10 chicks: 1 white leghorn, 1 rhode island red, 2 barred rocks, 1 black australorp, 2 silver laced wyandottes, and 3 ameraucanas.

The two barred rocks are in the back, the white leghorn is in the front to the right, and the rhode island red is in the front to the left.

So the two that are closer to the bottom of the picture are the silver laced wyandottes.  In the back the 3 multicolored chicks are the ameraucanas and the black chick is the black australorp.

The rhode island red is named Clara.  I haven't named the rest of them yet, any ideas?  I tend to like unusual, odd, or rare names (Clara's not really unusual, but I felt like naming the chick Clara lol).


  1. Don't you just love little chicks? One of my oldest chickens is a barred rock named Sapphire. She follows us around hoping to get sunflower seeds and loves to sit on my lap.

  2. I do love them. It's just too bad not all of them love me. There's one Ameraucana that always comes right up to my hand :) But, the white leghorn hates me--it's really funny actually. Aw, I hope they all like me when they're full grown!

  3. Sapphire sounds so sweet--I hope I have some chickens like that!
