Sunday, April 17, 2011

I love my cat . . . but she's really annoying me right now.

I actually have 4 cats . . . and more on the way.  Yes, my cat, Indra, is pregnant . . . again.  I know someone who's going to be taking a trip to the vet after this litter :p  The great thing is that Indie's kittens have always been really pretty and really nice.

Here's a picture of Indie when she was a kitten--I can't find any recent ones.  She's a lot bigger now, obviously.

So, since she's pregnant she's acting really bizarre.  Normally she is really skiddish, except around me, and won't go near anyone else, except me--but right now she's oddly friendly (she's never mean, she just usually won't let anyone besides me cuddle her).  So, I went into the kitchen for lunch this afternoon and Indra was leaping on the French doors into the dining room and crawling up them to the top and just hanging at the top of the doors.  She was outside and wanted in so she was yowling at the top of her lungs!  I didn't really think that was annoying . . . apparently my mom did though :p

So, she's really annoying me when I'm trying to take care of the chicks.  All the other cats and even the dogs aren't trying to get into the chicken coop especially when I'm standing right there.  I had throw a few felines (and canines) out of the coop one or two times, but now they just sit and stare at me while I'm checking the temperature, feeding, watering, or whatever.  Indie, on the other hand, just isn't getting the message because every single time I open the coop she's right there waiting and I have to throw her out every few minutes.  Any other time, like when she's not pregnant, she would take off like a rocket and not come near the coop again . . . but, like I said, she's being really weird right now.  Oh well, kittens in the spring are always fun :)  And, it's nice to have an extra cuddly cat!

Anyone want a kitten?